Robby Blum's personal/professional website
Specifically, coding projects.
DiffMap/coDiffMap python code: Python implementation of the signal reconstruction methods developed in my Ph.D. work.
Ph.D. dissertation template: The search for the One True Dissertation Template is neverending, but here is my contribution. Hopefully it helps some graduate student in the future searching Google for a good LaTeX template.
DS18B20 Temperature Logger for Raspberry Pi: Home temperature logger, which hasn’t been online since I last moved. Did a good job of showing how much heat my old apartment lost through its massive windows.
Resim: Reverse-engineering blaseball, my favorite fake online sport, from the PRNG stream. I contribute to this project as part of the Society for Internet Blaseball Research. Much of my work is using support vector classification fits to figure out the original formulas for things like “is this pitch in the strike zone” or “does this runner attempt to steal the next base” or “does an umpire incinerate a player on this game tick, and if so, who.”
Blaseball notebooks (repository, website): Jupyter notebooks for Blaseball election analysis, etc. The analysis is for the strategic benefit of the Baltimore Crabs, but the methods are open for all to benefit (in fact, I forked this from Edgarware’s project, which he did for the Philly Pies).